Download Holidays of Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Schweiz in 2026
Download all holidays in these place in the year 2026 as an ICS file, that you can later use to import in your calendar software.
Date | Name | Type |
1.1.2026 | Neujahr | public |
2.4.2026 | Gründonnerstag | observance |
3.4.2026 | Karfreitag | public |
5.4.2026 | Ostersonntag | public |
6.4.2026 | Ostermontag | public |
1.5.2026 | Tag der Arbeit | public |
10.5.2026 | Muttertag | observance |
14.5.2026 | Auffahrt | public |
24.5.2026 | Pfingstsonntag | public |
25.5.2026 | Pfingstmontag | public |
4.6.2026 | Fronleichnam | observance |
7.6.2026 | Vätertag | observance |
1.8.2026 | Bundesfeiertag | public |
20.9.2026 | Eidg. Dank-, Buss- und Bettag | public |
25.12.2026 | Weihnachtstag | public |
26.12.2026 | Stephanstag | public |